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Premarital Therapy

Recently engaged!? We are so excited for you, as surely many others are as well. Engagement is a time to celebrate and prepare, but not just for the wedding day itself, but for what is to come after that special day - the ongoing marriage covenant. You may have gotten to this page because your pastor is requiring premarital counseling, or maybe you are feeling afraid of what is to come. Maybe you have some specific things to work on together, or you are just coming in feeling open to suggestions, support, and guidance. Whatever your reason, we believe you will benefit from learning more about each other through our premarital counseling process. You will likely go through an assessment stage (Prepare/Enrich or Symbis) and receive a packet of relational dynamics made specifically for you. Based on your strength and growth areas, your counselor will guide you through what is most important to discuss before the wedding day. 

Premarital counseling can be short and sweet, or it can just be the beginning of your ongoing dedication to your marriage. Let us know how we can support you in this exciting phase in your life!

Romantic Walk in Sunset

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

Genesis 2:24

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